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| Berkeley
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All Points of Interest in Berkeley, CA
5th Ave Marina
AT&T Park
African Amer Msm and Lbry at Oakland
Alameda County Superior Court-North
Antonio Prieto Memorial Gallery
Aquatic Park
Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center & Cafe
Bade Inst of Biblical Archaeology
Bay Bridge
Berkeley Art Center
Berkeley Art Museum
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley City Hall
Berkeley Hall of Justice
Berkeley Historical Society
Berkeley History Center
Berkeley Marina
Berkeley Municipal Court
Berkeley Rose Garden
Brandborg Cellars
Brickyard Cove Marina
Camron-Stanford House
Cesar Chavez Park
Chabot Observatory and Science Ctr
Channel Marina
Children's Fairyland
College Preparatory School
College of Alameda
Ebony Museum of Art
Emery Cove Marina
Emery Marina
Emeryville Chamber of Commerce
Emeryville City Hall
Fortman Marina
Golden Gate Fields
Grand Marina
Greek Orthodox Church
Grizzly Peak Boulevard
Habitot Children's Museum
Heald Business College-Oakland
Henry J. Kaiser Civic Center
Holy Names College
Hooper's Chocolates
Howell Bible Collection
Jack London Square
Jack London Village
Jack London Waterfront
Jazz School
Jeremiah O'Brien Liberty Ship
Judah L Magnes Museum
Julia Morgan Center for the Performing Arts
Lacis Museum of Lace & Textiles
Lake Chabot Regional Park
Lake Merritt Park and Wildlife Refuge
Lakeside Park Garden Center
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Lawrence Hall of Science
Marina Village Yacht Harbor
Merritt Museum of Anthropology
Mills College Art Gallery
Mormon Temple
National Hispanic University
Oak/Chinatown Chamber of Commerce
Oakland Chamber of Commerce
Oakland Convention/Visitors Bureau
Oakland Ice Center
Oakland Municipal Court
Oakland Museum Sculpture Court
Oakland Museum of California
Pacific Bell Park
Pacific Film Archives Theater
Paramount Theatre
Pardee Home Museum
Phoebe A Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Piedmont City Hall
Port of Oakland
Port of Oakland Marinas
Port of Richmond
Portobello Marina
Preservation Park
Redwood Regional Park
Richmond Art Center
Richmond Chamber of Commerce
Richmond City Hall
Richmond Marina Bay Harbor
Richmond Municipal Court
Richmond Museum of History
Richmond Yacht Club
Richmond Yacht Harbor
Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve
Rosenblum Cellars
Rotary Nature Center
SBC Park
Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker
Skyline Boulevard
St George Spirits
Takara Sake Museum
The USS Potomac
Treasure Island Museum
Uc Berkeley Botanical Garden
Univ Art Msm and Pacific Film Archive
University Art Museum
University of California - Berkeley
Vista College